January 20, 2008

Cotton Candy

January creeps in

Smokey eyed
Crawling through the dingy passages
Hunched on its paws,
Rolling the fog in its mouth
Like grey cotton candy


I woke up in the morning today with a song in my head. I kept myself busy today. Made breakfast for my dog, took him for a walk, listened to music, drove for a bit, read--life's been decent. Wanted to go to Khan today and have coffee with a friend, didn't work out.

Reason? "You need to study" (says mom).

My mom has recently decided to write an article on 'Literature and Memory'--I, being a good daughter was giving her a few tips on that. She has begun writing some beautiful poetry in Hindi and Urdu and I sit mesmorized listening to her and the emotions that are awaken through them.

Love these moments.


Someone rightly said: Ignorance is a bliss. It's true.


Renovatio said...

It's one of those ways to get your spirit back, I'd say.

five_silver_rings said...

spirit back? Regarding the Urdu poems?

Renovatio said...

The day itself. The time spent with mother.

Renovatio said...

Not always, just had a hell of a week. Decided to do nothing all day and just get my own spirit back.

Been listening to music, watching random episodes of tv shows I've got downloaded. You know how it goes.

Or I could be stalking you... muahahahha

Sam said...

That was quite a nice way to spend your Sunday, unlike me who spent it shifting all his stuff from one flat to another and later on wondering as to when on earth did i accumulate so much stuff!!!
By the poetry at times is very relaxing and can stir up uspoken feelings inside you!!

Renovatio said...

Very clever comeback, one is impressed.

Still, you give too much credit. Far too much.

five_silver_rings said...

renovatio: True. I shouldn't give much credit to strangers--hit me with a good blog post and let's see if you are worthy of applause ;)

Sam: Aww.. the poor guy had to work on a Sunday. It's good though--you should keep yourself busy; if you start 'thinking' about random things, your mind will treat you to a cup of insanity.

travel30 said...

nice one........ I really like the way you right things and I never get bored reading them.

New Post -

Titanic : The hottest love has the coldest end

Zee said...

what i'd do too be wasted at home right now....

Sam said...

oh.. after a week at work.. weekend is the time to sleep and seriously think about random things starting with "what if.." and then then i'd add planning to it... calling up and bugging friends from differnt corners of teh country (sorry, but no ISD for me!! :P) and so that's how a sunday should go... phew.. anywyz, got another tiring weekend coming up... i wanna sleep!! :((

five_silver_rings said...

Rohit: Thanks :)

Zee: Wasted? you sure?

Sam: I am sure you'll be able to take out a couple of hours for yourself. Do it. It's best for you :)

risha; said...

that's what i love about sundays.
the nothingness and the everything it captures in motion and pause.

Mystique said...

yeesh...."yu have to study"
my absolute least favourite words in the world

five_silver_rings said...

Persona non grata: Yep. Sheer nothingness of nothing--that's life. Why are we born? What purpose do we have? As Sartre said: "existence precedes essence"--we exist, and therefore we created the concept of 'work' to keep ourselves busy and give meaning to life.

Mystique: Read above. 'Studying' is the process of educating oneself, so as to join a job and start working. We were forcibly born on this planet, we are forcibly made to live and exist.

Hence, we shall make the most of our existence, for that's what is required of us. Studies--here I come.

P.S. Pardon me if what I just said surpasses you. Just in one of 'those' moods.